A couple of weeks ago we flew to Seattle for the weekend to see my family. I wanted to spend as much time as possible doing things outside (since it's still hot here in Vegas) and luckily it didn't rain once while we were there:
^^We drove to a pumpkin patch close to my parents home one morning just to take pictures, since it's technically not open to pumpkin picking yet. Look how giant those sunflowers are!^^
^^A classic tourist spot also close to our home is Snoqualmie Falls. For the past few years the trail down to the river/falls has been closed - so we jumped at the opportunity to take the hike down.^^
^^Always matching with Daisy.^^
^^Tate and I drove down to Seattle to go to the Aquarium and to explore. We went to Pikes Place (we usually go here every time we come visit) but it was so busy that we only took one picture...^^
^^Feeding the seagulls on the pier^^
^^At the Seattle Aquarium. Daisy is too too cute.^^
It was so fun seeing my family since we only make it up to Seattle about once or twice a year. I always forget how much I miss the green outside until we go up there to visit; it's obviously very different from the desert and I think I took it for granted growing up in Washington.
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